Senin, 30 Oktober 2006

Monday Poll - Best Outfit for a Western Bar

A shopaholic reader wrote in a bit ago, asking what she should wear to a western bar where she was meeting some friends. She said she didn't want to buy a cowboy hat and/or boots, especially if she was only going there that one night, so I was thinking jeans and a cotton top would be a safe bet, since people tend to dress relatively casual at most western bars, but what do you guys think? Would you go all out and get the whole western look? Would you play it safe like I would? Would you dress up your outfit a bit with a fancy-schmancy top and heels? Or, are you the kind of girl who dresses up everywhere she goes? Make your choice, and feel free to leave a comment with more feedback!

Best Outfit for a Western-Themed Bar
When in Rome - Cowboy boots, cowboy hat, jeans, and a plaid top
Play it Safe - Round-toe boots, cotton tank top, jeans
Dress it Up a Bit - Heels, dressy top, jeans
Uptown Girl - Heels, fab dress
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